Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Long Goodbye.

This afternoon was another retiree event, a very nice luncheon.  The college president was there, as were three of the VPs, three members of the Board of Trustees, and several faculty, staff, and family.

The retirees received plaques, a gift, and a chance to say a few words.  What I said is basically in the remarks I wrote for the event program:

I started at Parkland in January 1994.  Not everyone knows this, but I worked with former Parkland President, Zelema Harris, when she was a community college president in Kansas City, my hometown.  Anyway, I was living in Boulder, Colorado, doing freelance writing.  I wanted to get back into higher ed and I contacted Dr. Harris to ask if she’d write me a reference letter.  She told me that a job was opening up at Parkland but she didn’t think I’d leave Boulder for Champaign.  Boy, did I ever fool her!

I’ve had the privilege of serving in different roles during my tenure at Parkland:  Director of Marketing, Executive Assistant to the President, Director of Community Education, and a few I can’t recall at the moment.   Looks like I couldn’t keep a job, but thankfully, Parkland kept me.

Without hesitation, the best thing about Parkland for me is the people who work here.  My life has been blessed with wonderful colleagues.  I must give special thanks to Sandra Boileau and Carol Steinman who took me under their wings when I first arrived and have been there for me through good and bad times.

I’m excited about starting the next chapter of my life.  Parkland has been the biggest part of my life for the past 20 years and I know how lucky I am.  I thank the Board of Trustees for their continuing support and kindness to me; I thank Dr. Zelema Harris for mentoring me and believing in me; I thank my current boss and longtime friend, Dr. Linda Moore, for her amazing calmness, dry humor and brilliance, and I thank President Tom Ramage for leading Parkland with a 21st century vision and for always making me feel like I can make a difference.

It's been a great ride.  Moving forward now.


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