Thursday, May 30, 2013

Don't Push.

Yesterday my sweet young neighbor came by to tell me that his house had sold.  Three days.  I think that is good news, but I don't take anything for granted.  

My house is exactly like my neighbor's house.  So, if several people were interested in buying his house (at least, several people looked at it), could that mean that one would be interested in buying mine?  

My house will sell.  At exactly the right time.

Of course, I'm anxious, eager, whatever you want to call it.  I called my handyman and told him I REALLY want to get those small house projects done so I can put my house on the market.  I'm trying not to be pushy and, boy, is it ever hard.

My house will sell.  At exactly the right time.  (new mantra).

Om, sweet om.   

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fear & Loathing.

I'm not good with money.  I don't have a lot, but I'm better off than many folks.  As I approach my retirement from my current job, and prepare to pack up and move to my hometown, Kansas City, I guess it's not a huge surprise that I feel a bit anxious.  Downright scared at times.

This morning I met with my financial advisor.  Her main advice?  GET A JOB.  She was serious.  She thinks everyone, especially women, should keep working.  And, she told me I should start looking for a job before I leave this one.  This is good advice from a career counseling viewpoint.

My problem is that I can only deal with a few things at a time.  No way am I a multi-tasker.  Right now I'm focused on getting my house ready to sell, packing what I can right now, looking at the condo market in KC, and worrying about everything.

So the thought of adding GET A JOB to my "to do" list is, shall we say, "daunting?"

 Time to remind myself: Forward.   

There.  I feel better already.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mundane and Productive.

It rained and was a bit chilly for 90% of the Memorial Day weekend where I live.  And, of course, I washed my car on Friday when the weather was perfect.

As it turned out, rain is a great motivator to stay inside your house and pack for an upcoming move.  It was actually rather energizing.  I felt no pressure and what a grand opportunity to clean out drawers and closets to throw away things I literally have not used in ten years or more.

My next door neighbor's house is for sale and several people have looked at it.  Since their house is exactly or nearly exactly like mine, I'm anxious to learn what price they get.

Home inspector coming in a week for a pre-inspection.

Just keep moving forward, ok?  I'm telling this to myself.  So far, so good.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Keeping Up Appearances.

My realtor came by yesterday to talk about getting my house ready to put on the market.  This "pearl of wisdom" came out of her mouth:  "Jan, I personally LOVE your liquor displayed so extensively, but since it's the first thing you see when you enter your home, how about toning it down just a bit?"

She meant "a lot."

OK, so I like having a well-stocked bar on display.  Nobody likes running out of scotch at the last minute.  Or gin.  Or port.

So, today I went to the local (where else?) liquor store for some boxes to pack up my beautiful alcoholic beverages collection.

Of course, I still have a bottle of vodka chilling in my freezer.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Inspire me.

I'm talking to myself.  Get inspired!  Do something!  Be productive!  Jesus, I'm still getting a paycheck (thank you) and I should be, yes, working.  But I cannot or will not concentrate on work.  I think about "When will my house sell?"  "Where will I live after it sells?"  "What will I do with my dog when prospective buyers come to my home?"  

You know, the big life questions.

So, I'm sitting in my office at work and I thumb through the latest issue of Fast Company.  The cover headline reads: 100 MOST CREATIVE PEOPLE IN BUSINESS.

And, I think maybe the headline is right.  I'm loving reading about all kinds of creative types and their business ideas.  I'm not envious, I'm energized!

Yeah, baby, inspire me!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Summer Sale.

When I was in KC for Mother's Day, my family, unanimously, encouraged me to go ahead and put my house on the market.  I don't retire from Parkland until the end of December, so if my house sells this summer, I'll need to rent somewhere in Champaign (easier said than done when you bring a little Jack Russell Terrier along).

But here I go.  What the hell.  Everything is a chance at this point of my life.  Stay positive.  Do a little bit (like packing) at a time.  Know in your heart that everything will work out.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Last Dance.

Tonight is Parkland's Commencement Ceremony.  The keynote will be given by Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, Leonard Pitts.

Even though I don't work directly with Parkland's credit-earning students, I usually "walk" in the ceremony with my faculty colleagues, wearing our caps and gowns.  And every time I do, I'm touched by the power of the event.  Our community college graduates often are first-generation college students.  The event center is packed to the rafters with families and friends (and lots of crying babies).

After the ceremony, a few of us, including the college president, will head over to a local bar and raise our glasses to another successful year.

This will be my last graduation at Parkland.

Here's to what's next.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Generations.

My 97 year old and so beautiful, Aunt Charlotte, with her grandson-in-law and two of her great-grandsons.

Family.  Home.  Love.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Long Goodbye.

This afternoon was another retiree event, a very nice luncheon.  The college president was there, as were three of the VPs, three members of the Board of Trustees, and several faculty, staff, and family.

The retirees received plaques, a gift, and a chance to say a few words.  What I said is basically in the remarks I wrote for the event program:

I started at Parkland in January 1994.  Not everyone knows this, but I worked with former Parkland President, Zelema Harris, when she was a community college president in Kansas City, my hometown.  Anyway, I was living in Boulder, Colorado, doing freelance writing.  I wanted to get back into higher ed and I contacted Dr. Harris to ask if she’d write me a reference letter.  She told me that a job was opening up at Parkland but she didn’t think I’d leave Boulder for Champaign.  Boy, did I ever fool her!

I’ve had the privilege of serving in different roles during my tenure at Parkland:  Director of Marketing, Executive Assistant to the President, Director of Community Education, and a few I can’t recall at the moment.   Looks like I couldn’t keep a job, but thankfully, Parkland kept me.

Without hesitation, the best thing about Parkland for me is the people who work here.  My life has been blessed with wonderful colleagues.  I must give special thanks to Sandra Boileau and Carol Steinman who took me under their wings when I first arrived and have been there for me through good and bad times.

I’m excited about starting the next chapter of my life.  Parkland has been the biggest part of my life for the past 20 years and I know how lucky I am.  I thank the Board of Trustees for their continuing support and kindness to me; I thank Dr. Zelema Harris for mentoring me and believing in me; I thank my current boss and longtime friend, Dr. Linda Moore, for her amazing calmness, dry humor and brilliance, and I thank President Tom Ramage for leading Parkland with a 21st century vision and for always making me feel like I can make a difference.

It's been a great ride.  Moving forward now.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hello, my name is Jan.

I know a lot of people in Champaign.  My job, Director of Community Education, helps.  I serve on boards and committees and I get to "schmooze" people, all in the name of promoting our college's programs.

Oh, yeah, I eat breakfast at the same time, same restaurant, seven days a week.  And I see the same faces and, without too much effort, I've become part of a "community."

Now I'm preparing to leave my job of twenty years (via retirement) and head back to the town where I was born and raised.  As far as I can tell, the folks I've come to know and mostly like here in Champaign are not making the move with me.

Do I start over?  Guess I'll have to.  Funny, but the first thing I want to do when I move is find a place to eat breakfast every morning.  Really.  There's something about showing up at the same place and becoming a "regular" that makes you feel like you belong.

Then I want to make connections.  I already know some folks in Kansas City and I have family there.  I went to college there, too.  How about if I roam around my old college campus, visit the library where I spent so many hours studying, see if there are some classes I could take?

One thing is certain: I have to stay busy or this whole move will be a disaster.  I will fall into deep depression and I won't have my therapist along for the ride (she retired and moved away, too).

Volunteer?  Where? Human Rights Campaign is big in KC.  I'm a Library Trustee in Champaign with a master's degree in Library & Information Technology.  I'd love to do something at the library.  Check it out. Who do I know who works at KC libraries?

"Hello, my name is Jan."

That's good for starters.      

Friday, May 3, 2013

Jurassic Park.

"Thanks for Jurassic Park."

That's what she wrote on my "Happy Retirement" poster/card.  Do you remember, she asked?

I did not. Then she told me about the time several years ago when I was her boss.  I was a terrible boss and made many mistakes.  Our department had gone through a particularly tough week, although I can't recall the specifics.  Anyway, even I could tell that my staff was down, and I mean, way down.

I walked into their office with the local newspaper opened to the movies listing.  "Choose a movie.  We're gettin' outta here."

They chose "Jurassic Park." And we spent the afternoon eating popcorn and watching cool dinosaurs.  And, at least once, I was a good manager.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sinking in.

Parkland College Human Resources invites you to a Retiree Reception:

Thursday, May 2, 2013
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Art Gallery Lounge

Please come to recognize our retiree's for their service to Parkland College.

Gregory Boise
Public Safety
Martha Bowser-Kiener
Mark Fruendt
Engineering Science & Technologies
Lester Hall
Public Safety
William Knerr
Physical Plant
Carolyn Martin
Carl Meyer
Holly Pickowitz
Financial Aid
Ellen Saveley
Health Professions
Jan Simon
Community Education

Light refreshments will be served.

Please contact Human Resources at 3870 with any questions.