Friday, April 26, 2013

Matzo Redux.

I'm 60 years old.  I'll be 61 years old when I move back to my hometown, Kansas City.  I grew up Jewish. I am Jewish.  Went to Sunday School.  Did not have a Bat Mitzvah.  I don't speak or read Hebrew.  As of 2013, I have never visited Israel.

I do not keep Kosher.  I do not belong to a synagogue.  Most of my friends are not Jewish (not by intention).

So why am I now seriously considering joining a synagogue when I return to Kansas City?  Perhaps it has something to do with losing my parents and, sooner rather than later, losing the last of my dear aunts and uncles.  They are the ones who made me feel Jewish.

When I was a kid, we celebrated Passover, Yom Kippur, Hanukah.  What I remember most is the food (no surprise for anyone who knows me).  But I also remember family.  It was always about family.  Even with screaming, nagging, teasing, it was still family.

I miss that.  Maybe it's time to create a new family or build on the wonderful one I have had.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Digging the '80s.

Not a lot of blog action.  Scattered thoughts.  Taking care of other "business."   Such as, buying previous years of service from employment at Missouri community college, way back in the 1980s.  I'm not going to bore you or myself with the gory details.  Let's just say that asking a previous employer to verify your employment can be, um, difficult.  How would you like to hear, "We've lost your employment records."

Not a pretty sound.

Well, guess what?  Do not give up.  I don't know how and I don't really care, but my previous (and we're talking thirty years ago, but you don't need to call up the archaeologists for christ's sake!) employer did find my records.  Yay.  And, thank you.  Really.

It cost me a fortune to "buy back" those service years, but smarter minds than mine have said I'll recoup the money if I live seven more years.  If I don't live seven more years, I won't worry if you won't.

Life now is comprised of working at my wonderful job at a wonderful college where I've worked for the past 20 years.  I am grateful.  And I'm ready for my next chapter.

Must offer something of value as I continue being employed until December 2013.  Bit of a struggle as my thoughts veer toward KC, the move, leaving current home and friends behind, making new connections, finding home to buy, and, yes, moving FORWARD.

Forward is the only way to go.